Wellness Vision Statement

A Wellness Vision Statement is a compelling statement or summary of statements developed by a person to describe themselves at their best-self.

A Wellness Vision is a person’s desired end location. Without one a person has no purpose. Therefore a person should put a lot of thought into determining who they want to become. An individual’s vision for themselves is extremely personal and it is unique to them and nobody else.

Having no vision statement is equivalent to having a road map with no cities or states listed. You will get somewhere but it most likely will not be the location you desire. You might eventually find your dream destination after years of traveling circuitously around the globe. If you did your homework first and found your desired location on a map listing cities and states your travels might have been only hours or days.

A Vision Statement then describes your best self after making the appropriate behavioral changes. A Vision Statement is your desired location.

Smart Goals then are your road maps that will give you the confidence to effectively navigate your way to your desired end location.